The great outdoors is much more than scenery. It’s the place where we really live, and that’s especially true of our landscapes at home. Our yards are often our favourite place to be, and just like any room, we can borrow interior design elements to make them more comfortable, inviting, and beautiful!
Here are the latest interior trends to bring outside:
Go Biophilic
Biophilia comes from the Greek words “philia” and “bio,” which together translate to the “love of life.” It’s a trend that reconnects people to nature through the use of natural materials and designs—things like wood instead of plastics and natural fibres instead of synthetic ones. It shouldn’t be too hard to apply this philosophy outside! While biophilic interior design focuses on natural elements indoors, you can extend this concept outdoors by incorporating features like water fountains, natural stone patios, and a variety of plants with different textures and colors.

Antiques and Nostalgia
If you don’t want to go forward, sometimes you can circle around and rekindle something from the past. That’s at the heart of this trend, which has spurred many homeowners to scour antique shops for furniture and unique focal points for rooms. Outside, this could translate into rustic benches, antique pottery, or string lights—as well as classic cottage plants like roses, hollyhocks, and others.
Social Places That Are Actually Social
Maybe it’s because we’ve spent so much time at home, or maybe people are prepping for the time when partying is possible. Whatever the case, folks are finally saying goodbye to the awkward living room and making that space actually sociable. We can also make that change in our yards by including comfortable furniture, cozier spaces, more plants, and better shade.

Black is the New Black
It seems like black is always coming into fashion and then going away again. Well, this year, it’s back. And nothing says boldness than a few black elements in a yard. You don’t need too many, but just enough to anchor your attention and create a sense of solidity and power.
Get Colourful
We’ve all spent enough time in the dark. This year, it’s time to bloom. Scrap the minimalist approach and bring colour back to your yard with new plants, more flowers, painted pottery, and anything else to make your yard flourish!

The Outside Office
Trends for home offices have been booming since 2020, and as home office life continues, so does creativity. The key is to get out of the “office” mindset altogether and simply create a space that you like to be in. It doesn’t have to look anything like an office, and it can just as easily be outside.
Let’s Get Personal
Isolation has made us all a little weirder, but why try to hide it? One trend this year is to forget the trends altogether and make your designs personal. Heaven knows we’ve had enough time to get to know ourselves. But if you’re still wondering how to start, ask yourself—what do I love?—then find the plants, scents, colours, and garden elements to express it.

At the end of the day, trends are just pieces of inspiration that we can borrow for our designs. If we use them well, they can become much more than a trend, but a cherished design that will last for many years!
As always, for more inspiration, drop by our garden centres in Sherwood Park and St. Albert, or book a consultation with Salisbury Landscaping!