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Your Garden is Telling You Summer is Almost Over… Say it isn’t so!

flat landscape

July and August are months to enjoy the garden. You will have only the very basic of weeding to do because sadly July 15 is the last day of summer.

This day is usually the last day for fertilizing, although you can still fertilize the grass again on August 15. By now I have had quite enough of the garden and lying out on the patio in the sun is a true gift.

patio and fire

Even though, the calendar says we are still in the beginning of summer, the light levels are changing noticeably for the plants. This causes them to begin switching over for the coming fall. Since spring, nutrients and water have been flowing upwards into the top of the tree canopy, flowers, and seeds have been formed, and right about now the plants are starting to think about storage. It takes a couple of weeks but the flow of the sap comes to a stop and starts reversing so that by mid-August the nutrients start flowing down and the roots start to find places to store the food for the coming winter.

Kevin Napora Salisbury Landcaping Edmonton-Kevin Napora, Landscape Designer & Master Gardener, Salisbury Landscaping, Edmonton & Area