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Residential Drainage

huge residential lawn

The number one thing our designers look for when designing a yard is the grading and water flow. A well-executed landscape will incorporate the proper grade and drainage of your yard into the design

We have all heard the old adage “when it rains, it pours” this is never more true than when dealing with improper grading in your yard. Incorrect drainage can lead to significant issues such as:

  • Water seeping into your (or your neighbours!) basement
  • Plants may suffer and die
  • Your home won’t meet the City’s final grade requirements
  • You may have to rip out your new landscape to fix any issues.

What the City has to say about Drainage

The City of Edmonton has created strict new bylaws to ensure grading is done correctly because of the rise of infill and renovation projects in mature neighbourhoods.

  • Demolition and reconstruction processes must be planned to ensure the temporary control of service drainage during all phases of the redevelopment project.
  • Drainage swales must be constructed entirely within your property.
  • An “As Built Development Permit” must be submitted by your builder before a house can be built
  • Retaining walls may be needed to support elevation changes between your redevelopment property and the adjacent private property.
  • All infill and renovation projects must pass a final grade inspection.

We work with customers from design to completion so that 100% of our jobs pass final grade. We stay current with all updates to the City of Edmonton’s grading bylaws. Always check with your builder or professional landscape company for updates to the bylaws from the City of Edmonton.

To see the entire list of requirements visit City of Edmonton Drainage Bylaw 16200 – Consolidated on January 1, 2017